Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Digital transformation in sales : how to turn a buzzword into real sales practice -- a 21-step guide
Tác giả : Livia Rainsberger
Chủ đề : Digital transformation | Sales management | Quản lý bán hàng | Chuyển đổi số trong bán hàng
Năm xuất bản : 2023
Nhà xuất bản : Springer
Tóm tắt : This book is a practical guide to the digital transformation of sales organizations. In 21 steps, it provides an overview of the state of the art technologies and digital sales tools and creates an understanding of what the digital transformation of sales is really about: Its primary driver is the modern customer, and he must always be kept in mind digitalization entire sales strategy.
Bộ sưu tập1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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  • TVS.007241_Livia Rainsberger - Digital Transformation in Sales_ How to Turn a Buzzword into Real Sales Practice – A 21-Step Guide-Springer (2023).pdf
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