Item Infomation

Title: Visualizing marketing.
Authors: S. Umit Kucuk
Keywords: Lý thuyết tiếp thị | Khái niệm tiếp thị
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: This book focuses on marketing graphics, figures, and visual artifacts discussed in marketing theory in order to explain and discuss the marketing concepts visually and open a door to future predictions of the evolution of such marketing concepts. Marketing concepts are, by nature, abstract and there is a need for approaches that provide a clear picture of such concepts and concrete and hands-on knowledge tools to students, scholars, and practitioners. Furthermore, the recent rising importance and popularity of marketing metrics make visualization of such important marketing phenomena possible. Visualizing or concretizing of marketing data is more important than ever as the usage and presentation of such enormous amounts of data requires visual representation. Thus, the book provides collection of such marketing visualization examples that can help marketing scholars and students to make sense of marketing concepts and their data, so that they can develop clearer and winning marketing strategies.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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  • TVS.001282_S. Umit Kucuk (auth.) - Visualizing Marketing_ From Abstract to Intuitive-Palgrave Macmillan (2017).pdf
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