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  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Trần Thị Thùy Dương (2022)

  • Giáo trình giới thiệu 5 bài bao gồm các phần: Nhập môn dẫn chương trình, kỹ năng diễn đạt, các bước dẫn chương trình, kỹ năng thể hiện và kỹ năng dẫn một số chương trình. Mỗi bài đều có câu hỏi và bài tập để bạn có thể nắm bắt được bài học một cách cụ thể, rõ ràng hơn.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: 佐々木仁子 (2022)

  • 街で目にする表示で漢字学習など、実用性・運用力養成を重視したつくりになっています。 日常生活でよく使われる語彙や表現、旧試験では扱いの少なかった「複合語」「擬音語・擬態語」「カタカナ語」「話し言葉」なども積極的に取り上げました。 練習問題の中に、新しい問題形式を意識した問題(文法:「語の並べ替え」「文章の文法」、語彙:「語形成」など)を入れました。そのほか…

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: 佐々木仁子 (2022)

  • シリーズ累計120万部のJLPT対策本『日本語総まとめ』 ご好評いただいた特長はそのままに、パワーアップして登場! 増補改訂版のポイント 1 色つきで見やすさUP 2 模擬試験を追加 3 7日目に復習問題を追加 4 別冊で正解文の読みを確認可能 『日本語総まとめ』の特徴 1 1日2ページ8週間で完成 2 身近なテーマ&イラストで親しみやすい紙面 3 英語・中国語・韓国語の3か国語訳付きで、独習も可能 4 JLPT形式の問題で、試験対策に最適

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Weygandt, Jerry J; Donald E. Kieso; Paul D. Kimmel (2022)

  • Accounting Principles, 9th Canadian Edition empowers students to succeed by providing a clear overview of fundamental financial and managerial accounting concepts with a focus on learning the accounting cycle from the sole proprietor perspective.

  • Tập bài giảng/Lecture

  • Authors: Phạm Thị Bảo Oanh (2022)

  • Trình bày tổng quan khung pháp lý thị trường công cụ tài chính phái sinh. Giới thiệu về khung pháp lý quốc tế, khung pháp lý của các quốc gia tiêu biểu, khung pháp lý của Việt Nam, khung pháp lý ở Việt Nam trong bối cảnh hội nhập quốc tế về thị trường công cụ tài chính phái sinh

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Richard Busulwa (2022)

  • Digital Transformation in Accounting is a critical guidebook for accountancy and digital business students and practitioners to navigate the effects of digital technology advancements, digital disruption, and digital transformation on the accounting profession.

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Fattahi, Ahmad (2022)

  • This book will set up the foundation for the successful process of going about the IoT product design and management while offering specific practical and tried recommendations before, during, and after execution. It also offers a practical recipe for the endeavor by offering technological and human-related best practices and pitfalls based on numerous real-world examples. While high level technology, data, and business principles will be discussed, this book is not a deep technical guide that covers technological solutions in detail. Rather we cover the breadth of the technologies related to IoT at a high level

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Owen, Jo (2022)

  • "How to Manage remains the classic text on building the rational, political and emotional skills you need to succeed. This sixth edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the new world of work, which requires managers to up their game and to change their game. This has required extensive original global research to discover and record emerging best practices in the new world of hybrid work. That research is captured in this edition"

  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Everhart, Jim (2022)

  • Brand Vision: The Clear Line of Sight Aligning Marketing Tactics and Business Strategy hopes to change that by offering simple, easily implemented tools connecting a company’s marketing program to its business strategy. It’s based on a critical premise: that, rather than merely a series of aesthetic decisions on typography and graphics, marketing can be a powerful force that helps a company communicate its strategy. Not just externally, but internally as well.