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Showing results 1 to 20 of 9867
  • TVS.000980- English Pronunciation in Use (Elementary)_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Marks, Jonathan (207)

  • The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Fifty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by audio material in a range of accents, available on audio CD. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs. The CD-ROM provides a wide variety of additional interactive activities to reinforce the pronunciation covered in the book, as well as tests, pr...

  • TVS.000244- The essential guide to user interface design_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Wilbert O. Galitz (207)

  • Bringing together the results of more than 300 new design studies, an understanding of people, knowledge of hardware and software capabilities, and the author s practical experience gained from 45 years of work with display-based systems, this book addresses interface and screen design from the user s perspective. You will learn how to create an effective design methodology, design and organize screens and Web pages that encourage efficient comprehension and execution, and create screen icons and graphics that make displays easier and more comfortable to use

  • TVS.002846_The History of music_1.pdf.jpg
  • Recording, musical

  • Authors: Waldo Selden Pratt (1907)

  • THE present book is the outgrowth of a fragmentary syllabus for classes that was issued in 1897. It is meant to be distinctly a book of reference for students rather than a literary or criti-cal survey of a few salient aspects of the subject, or a specialist's report of original research. Aiming at a certain degree of encyclopzedic fullness, it brings together facts and conclusions from a great variety of sources. Much labor has been expended in grouping the material in such a way as to give a systematic impression of the enormous field in view.

  • TVS.001173- Co Mot Nen Van Hoa Viet Nam_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Hoài Thanh (1946)

  • Lịch sử của nền văn hoá Việt Nam. Đặc điểm, tính chất của nền văn hoá Việt Nam. Nhiệm vụ của văn hoá Việt Nam trong tương lai

  • BB.0002116.pdf.jpg
  • -

  • Authors: Irving Morrissett (1953)

  • The assumption is usually present that a high value of this measure is associated with close rivalry between the two goods under consideration, but no benchmarks are given by which one may judge whether a particular value is high or low

  • TVS.001110- Trading and Exchanges Market Microstructure for Practitioners_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Larry Harris (1956)

  • This book is about trading, the people who trade securities and contracts, the marketplaces where they trade, and the rules that govern it. Readers will learn about investors, brokers, dealers, arbitrageurs, retail traders, day traders, rogue traders, and gamblers; exchanges, boards of trade, dealer networks, ECNs (electronic communications networks), crossing markets, and pink sheets. Also covered in this text are single price auctions, open outcry auctions, and brokered markets limit orders, market orders, and stop orders. Finally, the author covers the areas of program trades, block trades, and short trades, price priority, time precedence, public order precedence, and display prec...

  • TVS.000539- Linguistics across cultures_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Lado, Robert (1957)

  • This book presents a fairly new feild of applied linguistics and the analysis of culture, namely the comparision of any two languages and cultures to discover and describle the problems that the spaekers of the languages will have in learning the other. The results of such comparisions have proved of fundametal value for the preparation of teaching meterials, tests, and language learning experiments. Foreign languge teachers who understand this field will acquire insights and tools for evaluating the language and culture content of textbooks and tests, supplementing the meterials of use, preparing new new materials and tests, and diagnosing student difficulties accurately.

  • BB.0000791.pdf.jpg
  • Bài báo/Newspaper

  • Authors: G. E. Battese (1959)

  • A stochastic frontier production function is defined for panel data on firms, in which the non-negative technical inetGciency effects are assumed to be a function of firm-specific variables and time. The inefficiency effects are assumed to be independently distributed as truncations of normal distributions with constant variance, but with means which are a linear function of observ able variables. This panel data model is an extension of recently proposed models for inefTiciency effects in stochastic frontiers for cross-sectional data. An empirical application of the model is obtained using up to ten years of data on paddy farmers from an Indian village. The null hypo theses, that the...

  • BB.0002117.pdf.jpg
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  • Authors: Stern, Robert M (1962)

  • A number of empirical studies attempting to measure the elasticity of substitution in the international trade of competing countries have appeared in the postwar period2. These studies have had in mind such important problems as the effects of devaluation, and the deter mination of a country’s price competitiveness and hence its share of world and regional export markets.

  • TVS.0004770_1. Leamer E.E., Stern R.M. - Quantitative International Economics (1970)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Edward E. Leamer (1970)

  • This course will introduce students to quantitative and modelling techniques employed in global trade analysis. The course consists of two main parts. The first introduces important concepts and provides theoretical foundations for understanding flows and patterns of trade across countries

  • TVS.000633- Linear algebra-tt.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Kenneth Hoffman (1971)

  • This introduction to linear algebra features intuitive introductions and examples to motivate important ideas and to illustrate the use of results of theorems. Linear Equations; Vector Spaces; Linear Transformations; Polynomials; Determinants; Elementary canonical Forms; Rational and Jordan Forms; Inner Product Spaces; Operators on Inner Product Spaces; Bilinear Forms

  • TVS.000785- A_Grammar_of_Contemporary_English_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Randolph Quirk (1973)

  • A Grammar of Contemporary English concentrates on standard English with careful attention to the features distinguishing spoken and written, formal and colloquial, American ans British usage.

  • TVS.001786- NV.7601-The working brain an introduction to neuropsychology_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: A. R. Luria (1976)

  • This important book, by the most distinguished Soviet psychologist of our time, is the product of almost forty years of extensive research aimed at understanding the cerebral basis of human psychological activity. The main part of the book describes what we know today about the individual systems that make up the human brain and about the role of the individual zones of the cerebral hemispheres in the task of providing the necessary conditions for higher forms of mental activity to take place. Finally, Luria analyzes the cerebral organization of perception and action, of attention and memory, or speech and intellectual processes, and attempts to fit the facts obtained by neuropsycholo...

  • TVS.004869_TT_(For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) Matthew Krantz - Fundamental Analysis For Dummies-For Dummies (2023).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Dinham, Sarah M (1976)

  • In Fundamental Analysis For Dummies, you'll get a crash course in valuating publicly traded companies based on their financial statements, overall health, competitors, markets, and the overall economy. You'll also get easy-to-follow advice on how to protect your investments and diversify your portfolio so you can reduce risk without sacrificing returns.

  • TVS.000822- Ly thuyet dich_1.pdf.jpg
  • Book

  • Authors: Bùi Tiến Bảo (1977)

  • When studying translating and translating (I / T) in university, students often face many difficulties like how to remember what was said, how to express an idea clearly and quickly in the target language, how to translate the source language (SL) into the target language (TL), etc. To help students become better interpreters and translators and enjoy the subject, translation and translation theory was introduced. It is important that potential interpreters / translators understand the I / T process, identify problems during I / T implementation, and then find effective and viable solutions. These issues are also the main content of this short course. Hopefully the participants will f...