Item Infomation

Title: Information Technology Entrepreneurship and Management
Authors: Robert Karamagi
Keywords: Công nghệ trong kinh doanh | Quy trình lập kế hoạch chiến lược
Abstract: This book aims to provide you with an understanding of the nature of an enterprise and entrepreneurship. It introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process, and describes and applies management functions. It also examines complexities of entrepreneurial dynamics and the strategic planning process. The book focuses on providing the knowledge and skills in information and technology entrepreneurship and management. It presents and analyzes various topics such as theories of management and the roles managers play in an IT organization, organizational design decisions and leadership styles, innovation stimulation and business plan development, entrepreneur financial management, competitors analysis, marketing strategies and market mix components, taxation, legal aspects and practice.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




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