Item Infomation

Title: Successful negotiations : best-in-class recommendations for breakthrough negotiations
Authors: Marc Helmold
Keywords: Negotiation in business | Đàm phán trong kinh doanh | Đàm phán thành công
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: This book provides a valuable overview of concrete negotiations in industry and business and shows ways to achieve successful negotiation breakthroughs. It brings together the aspects of negotiation preparation, negotiation execution, negotiation psychology, and negotiation success that have often been perceived separately until now. The authors provide helpful recommendations for effectively taking into account intercultural elements as well. This book is particularly interesting for employees in development, quality management, purchasing, production, marketing and sales who negotiate prices, performance characteristics of products and services and quality characteristics with customers or suppliers.
Appears in Collections1-Kinh tế - Quản lý




Files in This Item:
  • TVS.006410_Successful Negotiations Best-in-Class Recommendations for Breakthrough Negotiations (Marc Helmold, Tracy Dathe, Florian Hummel).pdf
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