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  • TVS.005210_TT_Basha, Niha Kamal_Bhatia Khan, Surbhi_Kumar, Abhishek_Mashat, Arwa__ Surbhi Bhatia Khan_ Abhishek KumarArwa Mashat - Deep Learning and I.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: - (2023)

  • This book thoroughly explains deep learning models and how to use Python programming to implement them in applications such as NLP, face detection, face recognition, face analysis, and virtual assistance (chatbot, machine translation, etc.). It provides hands-on guidance in using Python for implementing deep learning application models. It also identifies future research directions for deep learning

  • TVS.006228_TT_Matt Frisbie - Professional JavaScript for Web Developers-Wiley (2023).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Frisbie, Matt (2024)

  • Update and upgrade your JavaScript skillset for ES 2023 with the ultimate JavaScript guide for pros Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 5th edition, is the gold-standard in intermediate-to-advanced JavaScript programming development books. The author dives directly into the inner workings of JavaScript to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated and talented JavaScript developer.