Browsing by Subject Mathematical statistics

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  • TVS.004992_TT_Stephen C. Loftus - Basic Statistics with R-Elsevier Science (2021).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Loftus, Stephen C (2022)

  • Basic Statistics with R: Reaching Decisions with Data provides an understanding of the processes at work in using data for results. Sections cover data collection and discuss exploratory analyses, including visual graphs, numerical summaries, and relationships between variables - basic probability, and statistical inference - including hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.

  • TVS.004649_TT_Peter Tannenbaum - Excursions in Modern Mathematics-Pearson (2022).pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Tannenbaum, Peter (2022)

  • This text started many years ago as a set of lecture notes for a new, experimental "math appreciation" course (these types of courses are described, sometimes a bit derisively, as "math for poets"). Over time, the lecture notes grew into a text and the "poets" turned out to be social scientists, political scientists, economists, psychologists, environmentalists, and many other "ists." Over time, and with the input of many users, the contents have been expanded and improved, but the underlying philosophy of the text has remained the same since those handwritten lecture notes were handed out to my first group of students. Excursions in Modern Mathematics is a travelogue into that vast a...