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  • TVS.001248_James Jiambalvo - Managerial Accounting-Wiley (2018)_1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: James Jiambalvo (2020)

  • Accounting, 6th edition helps students develop decision making through incremental analysis and stresses the fact that you Get What You Measure throughout the program. It is designed for a one semester managerial accounting course at both the undergraduate and MBA level.

  • TVS.003567. Managerial accounting-Pearson (2014_2018)-1.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Karen Braun (2018)

  • This text helps students make the connection between managerial accounting concepts and the businesses they deal with everyday through strong coverage and effective practice. By presenting actual accounting decisions made in companies like Target and J. Crew, the text's precise coverage of the core concepts engages students in the learning process.