Browsing by Author Lisa Peck

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  • TVS.007006_Lisa Peck (editor), Evi Stamatiou (editor) - Critical Acting Pedagogy (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)-Routledge (2024)-GT.pdf.jpg
  • Sách/Book

  • Authors: Lisa Peck (2024)

  • "Critical Acting Pedagogy invites readers to think about pedagogy in actor training as a research field in its own right: to sit with the complex challenges, risks, and rewards of the acting studio; to recognise the shared vulnerability, courage and love that defines our field and underpins our practices. This collection of essays, from a diverse group of acting teachers at different points in their careers, working in conservatoires and universities, illuminates current developments in decolonising studios to foreground multiple and intersecting identities in the pedagogic exchange. In acknowledging how their positionality affects their practices and materials, 20 acting teachers fro...