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dc.contributor.authorDillon, Patricia M-
dc.description.abstractThis book delivers an alternative to books that present health assessment as a collection of techniques with no integrated focus. Dillon delivers an innovative approach that engages students in the assessment process through three important retention-developing features: Body Systems Integration - outlined clearly in illustrations. It teaches students to see the relationships among the various body systems. Case Studies - woven through the chapters. It gives meaning to the assessment and essentially states, "You are assessing this patient!"vi
dc.publisherF. A. Davis Companyvi
dc.subjectNursing Assessmentvi
dc.subjectĐiều dưỡngvi
dc.subjectĐánh giá sức khỏevi
dc.titleNursing Health Assessment: a Critical Thinking, Case Studies Approachvi
Appears in CollectionsY học và y tế

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