Item Infomation

Title: Structure of Global Supply Chains : The Design and Location of sourcing, Production and Distribution facility
Authors: Panos Kouvelis
Keywords: Global Supply Chains | Quản lý chuỗi cung ứng | Chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu | Kinh doanh
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: USA. : Now Publishers Inc
Abstract: Global supply chain management is a core business process of the utmost strategic importance that all global firms have to manage. The Structure of Global Supply Chains provides a better understanding for the development of the right "footprint" of a global firm in its effort to supply its markets in environments of fast paced competition and tremendous uncertainty. The authors focus on the structure of global supply chains and the detailed choices involving the network of facilities at all stages of the supply chain in order to successfully execute the global business strategy. The main purpose of The Structure of Global Supply Chains is to go beyond an elementary exposition of global supply chain network design issues using the latest research to identify the multiplicity of factors that contribute to designing these networks for competitive advantage of the global firm, while at the same time exposing both the successful features and the challenges faced by decision support systems developed to address such decisions.
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