Item Infomation

Title: Secrets of screen acting
Authors: Patrick Tucker
Keywords: Motion picture acting | Television acting | Diễn xuất truyền hình | Diễn xuất
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Abstract: "Secrets of Screen Acting Fourth Edition is a step-by-step guide to the elements of successful screen acting. Based on a revolutionary non-Method approach to acting, this book shows what actually works: how an actor, an announcer, or anyone working in front of the cameras can maximise the effectiveness of their performances on screen. This fourth edition is completely updated to cover new techniques, film references, and insights, including updated information on vocal work outside acting, such as audio books and voice overs, guidance on the technique of "whisper acting", new information about working with video games, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and other non-traditional forms of screen work, updated guidance on self-taping auditions, and many new illustrations, all specifically drawn for this edition. This book is perfectly suited for Acting for the Screen university courses, actors training on their own, and actors involved in all forms of screen work, including Zoom, Skype, Vox Pops, and more"--
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