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dc.description.abstractBLUES MUSIC and the Fender Stratocaster have been favourable bedfellows for a long time. It makes sense on many levels as the considerable tonal choices that the Stratocaster offers are so ideal for the expressive style of blues. It’s for this reason that we decided to have this issue’s prime feature focus on 12 of the best Stratocaster players and how they use Fender’s fnest to sound so stunning. Fine-tuning the list to just these guitarists wasn’t easy, and many great players fell through the net. That said, the dozen that we’re spotlighting are all very well respected for their blues-based music and stunning Stratocaster
dc.publisherFuture Publishingvi
dc.subjectGuitar Techniques | Kỹ thuật chơi đàn guitarvi
dc.titleGuitar Techniques: play like 12 stunning strat blues playersvi
Appears in CollectionsÂm nhạc - Nghệ thuật

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