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dc.contributor.authorAllan Gut-
dc.description.abstractThe book starts with the basic tools, and goes on to cover a number of subjects in detail, including chapters on inequalities, characteristic functions and convergence. This is followed by a thorough treatment of the three main subjects in probability theory: the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, and the law of the iterated logarithm. After a discussion of generalizations and extensions, the book concludes with an extensive chapter on martingales. The new edition is comprehensively updated, including some new material as well as around a dozen new referencesvi
dc.subjectProbability | Mathematical statistics | Luật số lớn | Định lý giới hạn trung tâm | Luật logarit lặpvi
dc.titleProbability: A Graduate Course : a Graduate Coursevi
Appears in CollectionsToán học

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  • TVS.007083_TLUS522_ (Springer texts in statistics) Allan Gut - Probability _ a graduate course-Springer (2013).pdf
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