Item Infomation

Title: E-commerce power : how the little guys are building brands and beating the giants at e-commerce
Authors: Jason G. Miles
Keywords: Electronic commerce | Social media | Branding (Marketing) | Thương mại điện tử
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: New York City, United States: Morgan James Publishing llc
Abstract: In E-Commerce Power, Jason G. Miles shares a practical framework for starting and scaling a profitable e-commerce brand in the age of Amazon.E-Commerce Power is filled with encouragement, practical advice, tips, strategies, interviews, and proven online marketing methods - all organized to help new entrepreneurs. In 2008, Jason worked with his wife to start their new brand created on eBay selling doll clothes. In 2013, they launched Pixie Faire - a popular sewing supply marketplace that has had over 4 million patterns downloaded which is averaged at 60,000-70,000 orders a month.
Appears in CollectionsThương mại điện tử




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