Item Infomation

Title: The health care data guide : learning from data for improvement
Authors: Provost, Lloyd P
Keywords: Medical care; Chăm sóc y tế
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Abstract: This book is designed for those who want to use data to help improve health care. Specifically, this book focuses on deepening skills related to using data for improvement. Our goal is to help those working in health care to make improvements more readily and have greater confidence that their changes truly are improvements. Using data for improvement is a challenge and source of frustration to many. This book is designed to meet this challenge and alleviate frustration. This book is a good companion to The Improvement Guide: a Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance, 2nd Edition, Langley and others, Jossey-Bass, 2009, which provides a complete guide to improvement. Our Chapter 1 summarizes the key content from The Improvement Guide and specific references to The Improvement Guide are made throughout this book
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