Item Infomation

Title: Learning Spring Boot 3.0 : Simplify the development of production-grade applications using Java and Spring
Authors: Greg L. Turnquist
Keywords: Ứng dụng web | Công nghệ web | Ứng dụng Java | Spring Boot
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Spring Boot 3 brings more than just the powerful ability to build secure web apps on top of a rock-solid database. It delivers new options for testing, deployment, Docker support, and native images for GraalVM, along with ways to squeeze out more efficient usage of existing resources. The book goes into detail about GraalVM native images and deployment, teaching you how to secure your application using both routes and method-based rules and enabling you to apply the lessons you've learned to any problem. If you want to gain a thorough understanding of building robust applications using the core functionality of Spring Boot, then this is the book for you.
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