Item Infomation

Title: Pro Spring security : securing Spring Framework 6 and Boot 3-based Java applications
Authors: Massimo Nardone
Keywords: Ứng dụng web | Công nghệ web | Ứng dụng Java | Spring Boot | Web RESTful
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Third Edition has been updated to incorporate the changes in Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3. It is an advanced tutorial and reference that guides you through the implementation of the security features for a Java web application by presenting consistent examples built from the ground up. This book also provides you with a broader look into Spring security by including up-to-date use cases such as building a security layer for RESTful web services and JSON Web Token applications
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Files in This Item:
  • Pro Spring Security Securing Spring Framework 6 and Boot 3–based Java Applications, Third Edition (Massimo Nardone, Carlo Scarioni).pdf
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    • Format : Adobe PDF